What do builders need from their title insurance agency in Maryland?
Well, you signed a contract, sold another home, and now the work begins. Your buyer needs to qualify for a mortgage in most cases; you need to build a house and don’t have time to explain all the ins and outs of the lending, title insurance, and settlement process. You need a title company that knows how to work with new homeowners and guides them through the situation with a gentle but firm hand.
You need a title company that understands what you are doing. Draw schedules, inspections, deadlines, and change orders. You need a title company with actual building experience. At Excalibur Title our owner was a custom home builder in the past and built his own home on weekends as a young man before building homes for clients. He comes from a family of contractors and knows all too well how hard builders work to put out a quality product.
Do You Need A Partner?
Builders need a partner or partners involved in the financial side of things willing to work together and get things done. Done in a way your customer is happy and less stressed. Sure things come up, but problems can and need to be solved. Builders in Maryland enjoy Excalibur’s experience, timeliness, and flexibility. We can settle anywhere in the state of Maryland and have flexible after hours and weekend closings for our Builder partners. That is one of many of the benefits and peace of mind builders enjoy when working with us.
If you are a builder, you need to try us out. You won’t be disappointed, and we love working with hard working home builders. Do your clients know what closing is?
Do they know why the bank is making them buy title insurance?
Do you have a title company with a streamlined process for builders specifically?
Builders can rely on us to work with lenders and provide fast turn times for title binders, Closing Protection Letters, CDs and funding documents.
Finally, and perhaps most import of all, we provide 24/7 access to our online quoting and calculating engine. It goes beyond the standard quotes given by most and has the ability for builders their customers and lender partners to get accurate quotes, net buyer sheets, Pre-Huds, and CD estimates. Your customers will be happy with the pricing they get from because we know our fees are among the most competitive in Maryland. Our builders know confidently their clients are in good hands at a very reasonable price point for services. Title insurance rates can’t be reduced as I’m sure you know, but we can provide settlement or closing services, so we do!